There was a problem, but the developer didn't provide any further information. That's not very helpful...
There was a problem, but the developer didn't provide any further information. That's not very helpful...
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You can upload KML, GPX, GeoJSON, TopoJSON or IGC files.
All data is processed in your browser and nothing is sent to us. There is a filesize limit of 50MB.
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Please read the following information which relates to layers available on DorsetExplorer
Dorset Council seeks to ensure that the information on DorsetExplorer is up to date, accurate and as reliable as possible. However, Dorset Council cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information. The information on the website does not constitute legal or professional advice and the Council cannot accept any liability for any loss arising in any way whatsoever out of the use of this information.
Read our planning terms and conditions.
The information displayed on the Level 1 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) mapping comes from a range of sources and should be used to inform planning processes (including decisions on planning applications and plan making). Alongside national policy and the council's local validation list requirements, applicants should use the mapping to screen for flood risks and determine whether a site-specific flood risk assessment is required. The information presented in the SFRA, alongside other sources, should also be taken into consideration when applying the sequential and exceptions tests described in national planning policy. The Level 1 SFRA report and appendices can be found on the council’s website.
Read about the Level 1 SFRA and access the main report with appendices
We advise applicants read the report prior to using the mapping and undertaking any subsequent assessment.
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