There was a problem, but the developer didn't provide any further information. That's not very helpful...
There was a problem, but the developer didn't provide any further information. That's not very helpful...
Getting metadata...
Add a layer to your map, either from a web based source, or uploaded from your computer. These layers are only added for the duration of your session.
You can upload KML, GPX, GeoJSON, TopoJSON or IGC files.
All data is processed in your browser and nothing is sent to us. There is a filesize limit of 50MB.
Drag and Drop your files here
Choose a service from the list below and hit Connect to view the layers you can add.
Choose a different style for this layer
Total track length (approximate):
Download a GPX file of your track
DorsetExplorer gives you access to a wealth of geographic information in and around Dorset. You can find nearly anything in our ever expanding list of over 100 layers, including Rights of Way and School Catchments, historic OS Basemaps from the late 1800s, High Resolution Aerial Photography from throughout the years, and much more.
Check out our other versions of DorsetExplorer using the 'Change version' link at the top, to get access to data about planning, the history of Dorset, detailed Countryside information and more.
If you have any feedback or comments please use the 'Give feedback' link in the Help menu at the top of the page
This service is provided for anyone supporting or interacting with Dorset Council's core business.
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