Total Percentage Dorset East Dorset Council England and Wales
All Persons 5,031 - 88,863 379,791 59,719,724
All Males 2,476 49.2% 48.3% 48.9% 49.5%
All Females 2,555 50.8% 51.7% 51.1% 50.5%
0-15 yrs 791 15.7% 15.4% 15.7% 19.1%
16-64 yrs 2,919 58.0% 52.9% 54.9% 62.2%
65+ yrs 1,321 26.3% 31.7% 29.4% 18.6%
Male 0-15 yrs 408 8.1% 7.9% 8.0% 9.8%
Male 16-64 yrs 1,430 28.4% 25.8% 27.2% 31.1%
Male 65+ yrs 638 12.7% 14.5% 13.6% 8.5%
Female 0-15 yrs 383 7.6% 7.5% 7.7% 9.3%
Female 16-64 yrs 1,489 29.6% 27.1% 27.6% 31.1%
Female 65+ yrs 683 13.6% 17.1% 15.8% 10.1%

Show Male/Female individual age breakdown

Source: Mid Year Estimates, Office for National Statistics

Change Birth Rate per 1,000
2011 - 9.1
2012 -26.4% 6.7
2013 34.3% 9.0
2014 -17.8% 7.4
2015 10.8% 8.2
2016 -9.8% 7.4
2017 8.1% 8.0
2018 -20.0% 6.4
2019 37.5% 8.8
2020 -15.9% 7.4
Change Death Rate per 1,000
2011 - 5.1
2012 47.1% 7.5
2013 -9.3% 6.8
2014 -2.9% 6.6
2015 18.2% 7.8
2016 20.5% 9.4
2017 -29.8% 6.6
2018 -18.2% 5.4
2019 20.4% 6.5
2020 -15.4% 5.5

Source: Office for National Statistics


White British


BME (black and minority ethnic population)

Source : 2021 Census, Office for National Statistics.

NINO Registrations

National Insurance number allocations to adult overseas nationals entering the UK

NINO Data only available at National and Unitary level. View NINO Data for Dorset Council


% Christian 52.1%
% Non-Christian 0.9%
% No religion 41.1%
% Religion not stated 5.9%

Source: 2021 Census, Office for National Statistics.

Country of Birth

Country of Birth data is only available at National and Unitary level.


0% of residents reported having very good or good health.

% Very Good Health 0%
% Good Health 0%
% Fair Health 0%
% Bad Health 0%
% Very Bad Health 0%

Source: 2021 Census.

Unpaid care

9.8% of residents aged 5 and over provide unpaid care.


Residents aged 5 and over providing up to 50 hours of unpaid care per week


Residents aged 5 and over providing more than 50 hours of unpaid care per week

0.5% of residents live in communal establishments.

Source: 2021 Census.


Mosaic is a socio-demographic data set that segments households into particular groups based upon their characteristics. It is used to gain a deeper understanding of residents, their beliefs, preferences and lifestyles Learn more

The highest proportion of residents are classified as
Country Living (49.6%)

Followed by
Rural Reality (29.2%)

And then
Prestige Positions (9%)

Source : Mosaic 2021, EXPERIAN

Living Arrangements

All Households 2,050
% of households with one person 66+ or couple/family all aged 66+ 27.5%
% of households married or same sex civil partnership with/without dependents* 40.7%
% of households cohabiting with/without dependents* 9.4%
% of households lone parents* 7.6%
% all others** 14.8%

* may include members aged 66+, but not all

** may include households all aged 66+ but not a family

Source: 2021 Census, Office for National Statistics.


% Owner Occupied 73.6%
% Public Rented 8.3%
% Private Rented 18.1%
% Other 0%

Source: 2021 Census, Office for National Statistics.

Dwelling type

Detached 56%
Semi-Detached 29%
Terraced 7.3%
Flats/Maisonettes 3.9%
Mobile Homes/Caravans 3.8%

Source: 2021 Census, Office for National Statistics.

% no cars or vans in household4.9%
% 2 or more cars or vans in a household65%

Source: 2021 Census, Office for National Statistics.

Local business units

Business type and size breakdowns only available at National, Unitary and Sub Unitary Geography level. View breakdowns for the Sub Unitary Geography area

Employment of workers by sector

These figures exclude farm agriculture.

Total Percentage
Total employment 2,487 -
Education 225 9.05%
Wholesale, retail and repair 150 6.03%
Construction 125 5.03%
Accommodation and food services 125 5.03%
Arts, entertainment and recreation 125 5.03%
Professional, scientific and technical activities 75 3.02%
Human heath and social work activites 75 3.02%
Manufacturing 50 2.01%
Administrative and support service activities 50 2.01%
Transportation and storage 20 0.80%
Information and communications 20 0.80%
Public administration and defence; compulsory social security 20 0.80%
Real estate activities 15 0.60%
Water, sewerage and waste management 10 0.40%
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 5 0.20%
Financial and insurance activities 5 0.20%
Mining and quarrying 0 0.00%
Electricity, gas, steam and air 0 0.00%

Source: BRES 2021, ONS

Claimant unemployment

Claimant unemployment data is only available at National, Unitary Authority and Sub Unitary Geography level. View breakdowns for Sub Unitary Geography area



All usual residents aged 16 and over in Employment (includes students in employment)


High skill occupation


Intermediate skill occupation


Low skill occupation

Source: 2021 Census, Office for National Statistics.

Gross weekly full time earnings

Earnings data is only available at National and Unitary level.
