Archived Natural and Historic Environment Reports
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13 Reports
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State of Dorset 2020 – Natural and Historic Environment
10 March 2021
This is the key annual document bringing together the "picture" of Dorset based on the statistical evidence. This report contains the Natural and Historic Environment topic and covers the Dorset Council area.
Downloads: 1028
- Natural and Historic Environment
State of Dorset 2020
10 March 2021
This is the key annual document bringing together the "picture" of Dorset based on the statistical evidence. It covers 10 key areas: Population, Children, Crime, Deprivation, Diversity, Economy, Health and Care, Leisure and Culture, Natural and Historic Environment, and Older People, covering the Dorset Council area.
Downloads: 1567
State of Dorset 2019
16 August 2019
This is the key annual document bringing together the "picture" of Dorset based on the statistical evidence. It covers 10 key areas: Economy, Deprivation, Older People, Children, Health and Care, Natural and Historic Environment, Leisure and Culture, Population, Crime, and Diversity, and covers the area of the new Dorset Council.
Downloads: 2355
State of Dorset 2019 – Natural and Historic Environment
24 May 2019
This is the key annual document bringing together the "picture" of Dorset based on the statistical evidence. This report contains the Natural and Historic Environment topic and covers the area of the new Dorset Council.
Downloads: 1389
- Natural and Historic Environment
State of Dorset Council Area 2018 – Environment
25 September 2018
This is the key annual document bringing together the "picture" of Dorset based on the statistical evidence. This report contains just the Natural and Historic Environment topic and covers the area of the new Dorset Council.
Downloads: 1076
- Natural and Historic Environment
State of Dorset Council Area 2018
25 September 2018
This is the key annual document bringing together the "picture" of Dorset based on the statistical evidence. It covers 10 key areas: Economy, Deprivation, Older People, Children, Health and Care, Natural and Historic Environment, Leisure and Culture, Population, Crime, and Diversity, and covers the area of the new Dorset Council.
Downloads: 1283
State of Dorset 2018 - Environment
03 April 2018
This is the key annual document bringing together the "picture" of Dorset based on the statistical evidence. This report contains just the Natural and Historic Environment topic.
Downloads: 1284
- Natural and Historic Environment
State of Dorset 2018
03 April 2018
This is the key annual document bringing together the "picture" of Dorset based on the statistical evidence. It covers 10 key areas: Economy, Deprivation, Older People, Children, Health and Care, Natural and Historic Environment, Leisure and Culture, Population, Crime, and Diversity.
Downloads: 2041
State of Dorset 2017
25 March 2017
This is the key annual document bringing together the "picture" of Dorset based on the statistical evidence. It covers 10 key areas: Economy, Deprivation, Older People, Children, Health and Care, Natural and Historic Environment, Leisure and Culture, Population, Crime, and Diversity.
Downloads: 2757
State of Dorset - Environment
24 March 2017
This is the key annual document bringing together the "picture" of Dorset based on the statistical evidence. This report contains just the Environment topic.
Downloads: 1540
- Natural and Historic Environment
The Indices of Deprivation 2015 - a summary report for Dorset County Council
01 December 2015
The English Indices of Deprivation helps identify and prioritise areas to assist the government and other agencies both national and local in narrowing the gap between deprived neighbourhoods and the rest of the country
Downloads: 2139
State of Dorset 2015
01 October 2015
This is the key annual document bringing together the "picture" of Dorset based on the statistical evidence. It covers seven key areas: Economy, Deprivation, Older People, Children, Health and Care, Natural and Historic Environment and Leisure and Culture.
Downloads: 2343
Our Communities Topic Report – The English Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) 2015
01 October 2015
This edition of Our Communities includes the latest release of the official measure of relative deprivation for small areas in England. In a national context Dorset as a whole does not score highly in relation to deprivation coming 128th out of 152. However as the report shows there are pockets of deprivation particularly in Weymouth & Portland.
Downloads: 2225