Dorset residents are generally healthy, have a high life satisfaction rating and feel that the things they do in their lives are worthwhile. The growing number of older people will increase demand for health and social care services, so it is important to use local evidence to anticipate need and target service provision as effectively as possible.

Health and wellbeing can be influenced by where we live, our behaviours, our work and our leisure activities. Health behaviours impact on both physical and mental health - and many people may be affected by more than one. Healthy populations live longer, and are more productive making a contribution to the economy as well as maintaining personal wellbeing.

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  • Healthy life expectancy is the number of years a person would be expected to live in good health. In Dorset, there is a difference of 16 years between healthy life expectancy and overall life expectancy for males and 19 years for females 1.
  • 65% of adults in Dorset are classified as overweight or obese; worse than the national average (64%) and a great concern due to the life-threatening conditions it can lead to2.
  • Residents in Dorset are more likely to be unpaid carers: 10% of residents compared to 9% in England13. There are now around 35,500 unpaid carers in Dorset13.
  • Smoking prevalence continues to fall both nationally and locally. 10% of adults in Dorset currently smoke compared to 12% in England2.
  • 162 people were killed or seriously injured on Dorset's roads in 2023, possibly due to Dorset’s high proportion of rural roads4. Nationally more than half of all fatal collisions occur on rural roads3.
% year six children who are overweight or obese
% year six children who are overweight

Mental health

  • By 2035, we expect to see almost 12,000 people aged 65 or over living with dementia in Dorset5. It is estimated one million unpaid carers nationally provide care to people with dementia6.
  • National rates of probable mental health conditions have stabilised, affecting roughly 20% of children7.
  • A similar stabilising picture has been seen in national armed forces personnel, with 1 in 8 being seen in military healthcare for a mental health related reason8.
  • In 2022-3, almost 5 million people were receiving talking therapies or secondary mental health services9.
People aged 65+ with dementia
People aged 65+ with dementia

Substance abuse

  • In Dorset, admission rates for alcohol related harm for under 18s were almost double the national average, at 45.4 per 100,000, compared to 26 per 100,00010.
  • Nationally every £1 invested in adult drug treatment services generates a social return of £4.11.
  • Just under 4,000 domestic abuse incidents were reported in Dorset last year12.

Improving outcomes

  • Social determinants are a diverse range of social, economic and environmental factors which impact on people’s health and strongly link with disparities in health outcomes, being widely considered as the ‘causes of the causes’.
  • Since 2015, LiveWell Dorset has been supporting residents to improve their health and wellbeing through targeted activity, weight, alcohol and smoking support13. For every £1 spent through the service, a public return of £12 was generated in prevented ill health.13
  • Fewer children accessing Free School Meals (FSM) achieved a good level of development at the end of Reception in Dorset than nationally14 And a much lower proportion of children (20% less) received a standard pass or higher in GCSE English or Maths than those not on Free School Meals. This highlights the disparity of educational attainment between pupils from lower income backgrounds and other pupils
  • Every school in the country receives a financial premium based on each child who is eligible for FSM, nationally it is thought that a significant proportion of families whose children are eligible do not claim, meaning schools miss out on funding that could help those schools fund support to improve outcomes for disadvantaged children.

Headline Figures


Dorset residents likely to be living with dementia by 2035


Domestic abuse incidents in Dorset last year

16 years

Difference between male healthy and overall life expectancy


Dorset year 6 children overweight or obese


Dorset adults overweight or obese


Smoking prevalence in Dorset

Headline Figures


Dorset residents likely to be living with dementia by 2035


Domestic abuse incidents in Dorset last year

16 years

Difference between male healthy and overall life expectancy


Dorset year 6 children overweight or obese


Dorset adults overweight or obese


Smoking prevalence in Dorset


  • 1 Health state life expectancy at birth by local areas, Public Health Fingertips 2024 and ONS 2004
  • 2 Public Health Fingertips 2023 (3 year range)
  • 3 2021 Census, TS039
  • 4 Road casualty statistics, Dorset Council 2023
  • 5 POPPI 2024
  • 6 2023 Dementia Carers Count
  • 7 Mental Health of Children and Young People in England 2023 - wave 4 follow-up to the 2017 survey, NHS Digital
  • 8 UK armed forces mental health annual statistics: financial year 2023/24, Gov.UK
  • 9 Mental health statistics: prevalence, services and funding in England, UK Parliament, 2024
  • 10 Hospital admissions episodes for alcohol specific conditions, under 18s, Public Health Fingertips, 2021-2023
  • 11 Alcohol and drugs prevention, treatment and recovery: why invest?, Public Health England, 12/02/18
  • 12 Domestic abuse in Dorset Council – Dorset Police 2023/24
  • 13 Director of Public Health Report 2022/23
  • 14 Dorset Council, Children’s Services 2023/24

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