Experiences in a child’s early years lay a foundation for health and wellbeing and our services for children and families have an important role in building future resilience.

By identifying those most at risk of poorer outcomes later on, our resources can be targeted where they are needed most so that we can respond to risk and vulnerability.

The number of 0-4 year olds is expected to decrease by about 500, while the number of 5-15 year olds is projected to decrease by about 5,000 between 2024 and 20341.

Download this report (PDF)

Special Educational Need3

The percentage of children with Special Educational Need has increased in Dorset each year since 2017. The figure has increased from 17.8% in 2021 to 20.7% in 2024. The percentage with either a statement or an EHC Plan has increased every year since 2016, until this year. There has been a more pronounced increase since 2019 where the data has risen from 3.2% to 5.4% in 2023 before dropping to 5.2% in 2024

  • One in four of pupils with an EHC plan has an Autistic Spectrum Condition and just over one in five have speech, language and communication needs.
  • It is likely that a pupil may have more than one special educational need.
  • 63% of pupils with an EHC Plan are educated in Mainstream Schools in Dorset.
  • 70% of Dorset Council School Pupils with an EHC are boys and 57% with SEN Support are boys. This is very similar to the national picture. The proportion or girls with SEN is increasing.
SEN Pupils in Dorset Council Schools
SEN Pupils in Dorset Council Schools


  • In 2024 67% of pupils achieved a ‘Good Level of Development’ at the end of Reception year, a decrease of 4% on 2019. The figure was very similar to the national figures.
  • 63% of pupils achieved the ‘Basics’ measure (standard pass or higher in English and Maths GCSE). Of those on Free School Meals this figure is 22% lower at 41%.
  • 20% of pupils are eligible to claim Free School Meals, compared to the national average of 25%4.
Percentage of Pupils GCSE pass English and Maths 2022-23
Percentage of Pupils GCSE pass English and Maths 2022-23

Post 16 opportunities4

  • The percentage of 16 and 17 year olds in Dorset in education or training in 2023 was 90.6% this figure is much the same as for the South West 90.5% but lower than England 92.3%.
  • Accessing services is a considerable issue in rural Dorset, approximately 44% of Dorset residents fall within the top 20% most geographically access deprived in England for accessing a range of services including schools.
  • Travel time in minutes to nearest further education college by public transport/walking in Dorset is 31 minutes which is in the top 10 highest of any Unitary Authority in England. This compares to 21 minutes for England and 25 minutes for the South West.
  • However, apprenticeship rates in Dorset at a ‘Higher’ level are strong with 1,922 participation rate for under 19s per 100,000 population. This compares to a figure of 382 for the South West and 332 for England. It is in fact the highest of any Unitary Authority in the country.
  • There are two levels of a ‘Higher’ apprenticeship Level 4 and Level 5:
    • Level 4 apprenticeships are equivalent to the first year of an undergraduate degree, or a Higher National Certificate.
    • Level 5 apprenticeships are equivalent to a foundation degree, or a Higher National Diploma.

Headline Figures


Total children2, 3


Primary school children with a SEN or EHC plan


Children and young people in care in Dorset5


Looked after children in every 10,000 in Dorset


Pupils with an EHC Plan educated in mainstream schools


Percentage of pupils achieving 9-5 in English and Maths (Free School Meals Gap)

Headline Figures


Total children2, 3


Primary school children with a SEN or EHC plan


Children and young people in care in Dorset5


Looked after children in every 10,000 in Dorset


Pupils with an EHC Plan educated in mainstream schools


Percentage of pupils achieving 9-5 in English and Maths (Free School Meals Gap)


  • 1 2020-trend based population projections (experimental), Dorset Council
  • 2 2023 MYE, 0-17 year-olds, ONS
  • 3 Dorset Council, Children’s Services 2022/23 and 2023/24
  • 4 Local Government Inform 2022/23
  • 5 Doesn’t include unaccompanied asylum seeking children

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    Downloads: 2159

  • Indices of Deprivation 2019 - Mid Dorset Sub Unitary Geography (SUG) Maps

    Published: 11 December 2019

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    Downloads: 1776

  • Indices of Deprivation 2019 - South East Dorset Sub Unitary Geography (SUG) Maps

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    Downloads: 2215

  • Indices of Deprivation 2019 - Dorset North Sub Unitary Geography (SUG) Maps

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    Downloads: 1913

  • Indices of Deprivation 2019 - Dorset South Sub Unitary Geography (SUG) Maps

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    Downloads: 1209

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    Downloads: 3224

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