The UK grapples with a productivity gap, trailing behind G7 counterparts in output per hour.14 In Dorset, our local productivity lags, producing 12% less per hour compared to the national average.3

Download this report (PDF)


  • Although business survival is good, we have fewer than average new business startups: 73 to every 10,000 residents aged 16 to 64 compared with 84 in England1.
  • And we have smaller business units: just 7 employees per business unit compared with 10 in England2.
  • Whilst large firms represent less than one per cent of Dorset’s business stock, they employ about a fifth of the workforce. Ensuring the availability of suitable employment land like the Dorset Innovation Park with larger sites and units, provides a growth opportunity for local businesses. This not only prevents the outflow of existing firms but also attracts new businesses, creating additional job opportunities.
  • Dorset's competitiveness, although improving, currently ranks 209 out of 362 local authorities. This marks an advance from 2019 when the ranking stood at 2224.
  • While Dorset boasts above-average representation in advanced engineering and manufacturing, it lags behind in businesses associated with high productivity5 and high R&D spending sectors6.
  • Self-employment among economically active residents has risen to 20%, up from 13% in 2011, compared to 16% in England7.
Size of businesses infographic


  • Manufacturing, health, retail, education and hospitality are all big employers in Dorset.10
  • 14 neighbourhoods in Dorset are in the most deprived 20% nationally for employment8 - 10 of these are in the former borough of Weymouth & Portland.
  • 44% of the Dorset workforce is aged over 50 compared with 34% in England10. This is an increase of 22% in ten years. Older workers have experience and skills and, as more people retire, other workers need training to fill the gaps.
  • Over the next decade, the population in Dorset aged 16 to 64 will shrink by 0.4% per annum. That’s a net loss of over 7,300 people in this age group. The old age dependency ratio, which is the number of people aged 65+ compared to the number of people of working age, is expected to increase from 570 per 1000 in 2023 to 720 per 1000 in 203311.
  • Around 2,390 apprenticeships were started in Dorset in 2023/2412. It is estimated that for every £1 of public monies spent on apprenticeships, an economic benefit of £21 is created13.
Weekly earnings for people working in Dorset

The national economy

  • The economy experienced a modest growth of 0.5% in the three months leading up to July 2024, reflecting a gradual recovery.15
  • Inflation rates have remained a concern, with consumer prices falling steadily. The annual inflation rate was recorded at 3.1% in the 12 months to August 2024.16
  • The job market showed resilience, with employment levels remaining stable. The unemployment rate hovered around 4%, indicating a relatively healthy labour market.17
  • The economy is estimated to have grown by 0.5% in the three months to June 2024, driven mainly by the service sector. In contrast, manufacturing output declined during this period.18

Headline Figures



£1.6 billion

Value of Dorset’s productivity gap3




Of workforce aged 50+


Weekly pay for full-time employees living in Dorset


Expected fall in the working age population over the next 10 years

Headline Figures



£1.6 billion

Value of Dorset’s productivity gap3




Of workforce aged 50+


Weekly pay for full-time employees living in Dorset


Expected fall in the working age population over the next 10 years


  • 1 Business Demography 2022, ONS
  • 2 UK Businesses 2023 and BRES 2022, ONS
  • 3 Gross Value Added - GVA per hour worked (provisional) 2022, ONS
  • 4 UK Competitiveness Index 2023, Centre for International Competitiveness
  • 5 UK Businesses 2023
  • 6 As defined in UK Gross domestic expenditure on research and development 2017, ONS
  • 7 Census 2011 and 2021, ONS
  • 8 English Indices of Deprivation (2019), DCLG
  • 9 Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (2022), ONS
  • 10 Census of Population (2021), workplace statistics
  • 11 2020-based experimental continuity population projections, 2023-2033, Dorset Council
  • 12 Apprenticeship starts 2023/24, The Department for Education
  • 13 The Economic Impact of Apprenticeships 2014, Centre for Economic and Business Research
  • 14 International comparisons of UK productivity (ICP), final estimates 2021
  • 15 GDP monthly estimate, UK: July 2024, ONS
  • 16 Consumer price inflation, UK: August 2024, ONS
  • 17 Labour market overview, UK: September 2024, ONS
  • 18 GDP quarterly national accounts April to June 2024

52 Reports

Order by: Newest first

  • State of Dorset 2024 - Housing

    28 January 2025

    This is the key annual document bringing together the "picture" of Dorset based on the statistical evidence. This is just the Housing topic

    Downloads: 76

  • State of Dorset 2024 - Economy

    28 January 2025

    This is the key annual document bringing together the "picture" of Dorset based on the statistical evidence. This is just the Economy topic

    Downloads: 60

  • State of Dorset 2024

    28 January 2025

    This is the key annual document bringing together the "picture" of Dorset based on the statistical evidence.

    Downloads: 103

  • State of Dorset 2023 - Housing

    01 January 2023

    This is the key annual document bringing together the "picture" of Dorset based on the statistical evidence. This report contains just the Housing topic.

    Downloads: 177

  • State of Dorset 2023 - Economy

    01 January 2023

    This is the key annual document bringing together the "picture" of Dorset based on the statistical evidence. This report contains just the Economy topic.

    Downloads: 298

  • State of Dorset 2023

    01 January 2023

    This is the key annual document bringing together the "picture" of Dorset based on the statistical evidence. It covers eleven key areas: Economy, Deprivation, Older People, Children, Health and Care, Natural and Historic Environment, Leisure and Culture, Crime, Diversity, Population and Housing

    Downloads: 851

  • State of Dorset 2021 – Economy

    06 July 2022

    This is the key annual document bringing together the "picture" of Dorset based on the statistical evidence. This report contains the Economy topic and covers the Dorset Council area.

    Downloads: 899

  • State of Dorset 2021

    06 July 2022

    This is the key annual document bringing together the "picture" of Dorset based on the statistical evidence. It covers 10 key areas: Population, Children, Crime, Deprivation, Diversity, Economy, Health and Care, Leisure and Culture, Natural and Historic Environment, and Older People, covering the Dorset Council area.

    Downloads: 1699

  • Commuting by Occupation Bulletin - West Dorset

    18 February 2020

    This bulletin uses data from the 2011 Census to look at commuting patterns in the former West Dorset District Council area. This work was produced using statistical data from ONS. The use of the ONS statistical data in this work does not imply the endorsement of the ONS in relation to the interpretation or analysis of the statistical data. This work uses research datasets which may not exactly reproduce National Statistics aggregates.

    Downloads: 1010

  • Commuting by Occupation Bulletin - Weymouth and Portland

    18 February 2020

    This bulletin uses data from the 2011 Census to look at commuting patterns in the former Weymouth and Portland Borough Council area. This work was produced using statistical data from ONS. The use of the ONS statistical data in this work does not imply the endorsement of the ONS in relation to the interpretation or analysis of the statistical data. This work uses research datasets which may not exactly reproduce National Statistics aggregates.

    Downloads: 1016

  • Commuting by Occupation Bulletin - East Dorset

    18 February 2020

    This bulletin uses data from the 2011 Census to look at commuting patterns in the former East Dorset District Council area. This work was produced using statistical data from ONS. The use of the ONS statistical data in this work does not imply the endorsement of the ONS in relation to the interpretation or analysis of the statistical data. This work uses research datasets which may not exactly reproduce National Statistics aggregates.

    Downloads: 1021

  • Commuting by Occupation Bulletin - North Dorset

    18 February 2020

    This bulletin uses data from the 2011 Census to look at commuting patterns in the former North Dorset District Council area. This work was produced using statistical data from ONS. The use of the ONS statistical data in this work does not imply the endorsement of the ONS in relation to the interpretation or analysis of the statistical data. This work uses research datasets which may not exactly reproduce National Statistics aggregates.

    Downloads: 912

  • Commuting by Occupation Bulletin - Purbeck

    18 February 2020

    This bulletin uses data from the 2011 Census to look at commuting patterns in the former Purbeck District Council area. This work was produced using statistical data from ONS. The use of the ONS statistical data in this work does not imply the endorsement of the ONS in relation to the interpretation or analysis of the statistical data. This work uses research datasets which may not exactly reproduce National Statistics aggregates.

    Downloads: 861

  • Local Economic Assessment bulletin – Dorset Digital Skills

    06 February 2020

    This bulletin is part of a series which makes up the 2019 local economic assessment of Dorset. This bulletin looks at digital skills in Dorset.

    Downloads: 1490

  • The Indices of Deprivation 2019 - a summary report for Dorset Council

    28 November 2019

    The English Indices of Deprivation helps identify and prioritise areas to assist the government and other agencies (both nationally and locally) in narrowing the gap between deprived neighbourhoods and the rest of the country.

    Downloads: 6109

  • Our Communities Bulletin -The Indices of Multiple Deprivation 2019

    07 October 2019

    Our latest Our Communities bitesize bulletin looks at the latest release of the official measure of relative deprivation for small areas in England. It focuses on Dorset Council, what’s changed since the last release in 2015 and how the data can be used. The index is measured at a small area level (called Lower-layer Super Output Areas – LSOAs) in England with an average of 1,500 residents in each. In a national context, Dorset as a whole does not score highly in relation to deprivation. However, we still have pockets of deprivation. Read the report to get the overall picture for Dorset.

    Downloads: 1968

  • Local Economic Assessment bulletin – Competitive Dorset

    20 September 2019

    This bulletin is part of a series which makes up the 2019 local economic assessment of Dorset. This bulletin looks at competitiveness and productivity in Dorset.

    Downloads: 1439

  • Local Economic Assessment bulletin – Dorset Business

    20 September 2019

    This bulletin is part of a series which makes up the 2019 local economic assessment of Dorset. This bulletin looks at the sectors in Dorset and the strengths and weaknesses of the local economy.

    Downloads: 1519

  • Local Economic Assessment bulletin – Dorset Overview

    20 September 2019

    A broad overview of Dorset's economy.

    Downloads: 1905

  • Local Economic Assessment bulletin – Inclusive Dorset

    20 September 2019

    This bulletin is part of a series which makes up the 2019 local economic assessment of Dorset. This bulletin looks at economic deprivation and participation in Dorset.

    Downloads: 1618

  • Local Economic Assessment bulletin – Dorset Environment

    20 September 2019

    This bulletin is part of a series which makes up the 2019 local economic assessment of Dorset. This bulletin looks at environmental sustainability and the value of the environment to Dorset.

    Downloads: 1234

  • Local Economic Assessment bulletin – Dorset Labour market

    20 September 2019

    This bulletin is part of a series which makes up the 2019 local economic assessment of Dorset. This bulletin looks at the labour market in Dorset.

    Downloads: 1466

  • Local Economic Assessment bulletin – Dorset Skills

    20 September 2019

    This bulletin is part of a series which makes up the 2019 local economic assessment of Dorset. This bulletin looks at skills levels and education in Dorset.

    Downloads: 1341

  • Local Economic Assessment bulletin – Dorset Housing and infrastructure

    20 September 2019

    This bulletin is part of a series which makes up the 2019 local economic assessment of Dorset. This bulletin looks at housing and transport in Dorset.

    Downloads: 1670

  • Local Economic Assessment bulletin – Introduction & key stats

    27 March 2019

    This is a general introduction to the Local Economic Assessment bulletins and lists some key statistics about the Dorset Council area.

    Downloads: 2028

  • Our Communities Topic report - Brexit Bulletin 2019

    21 February 2019

    The Office for National Statistics released an analysis showing which parts of the country might feel the most impact of Brexit, based on the representation of employees by sector. This 2019 bulletin looks at the local picture for Dorset, updating our 2017 bulletin.

    Downloads: 1541

  • Our Communities - Tourism Bulletin

    03 October 2018

    This bulletin analyses the economic value of tourism in Dorset and the work being carried out by the council and its partners to promote tourism.

    Downloads: 1968

  • 2016 ONS Sub-National Population Projections

    27 June 2018

    The population of DCC Dorset is expected to grow by 9% over the next 25 years according to the Office for National Statistics Sub-National Population Projections.

    Downloads: 1546

  • Carers in Dorset

    14 June 2018

    We are in the middle of Carers Week, which runs from 11th-17th June. The focus this year is on supporting carers to be ‘Healthy and Connected’. Research has found that 57% of carers have lost touch with family and friends, over a third (36%) feel uncomfortable talking to friends about caring and one in five carers are forced to give up work due to the demands of caring. 12% of Dorset’s population provides unpaid care, 830 of these are children under the age of 16. The following bulletin gives some information about Carers in Dorset and the impact of caring on the carer’s own health.

    Downloads: 1714

  • Our Communities Topic Report - Business Confidence Bulletin

    26 January 2018

    This bulletin summarises the results from the Dorset Chamber of Commerce quarterly economic survey for Q4 2017.

    Downloads: 1377

  • Income Levels in Dorset 2016

    02 January 2018

    A study of income levels in Dorset following the publication of experimental data by the Office for National Statistics

    Downloads: 1705

  • Our Communities Topic Report - Dorset's Coastal Communities

    06 October 2017

    According to a report written by the Social Market Foundation, on average, coastal communities are less productive economically than non-coastal communities. They often have lower levels of pay, higher rates of unemployment and have populations with lower skill levels and poorer health. Four of Dorset's district councils are coastal communities, along with Bournemouth and Poole. The socioeconomic picture across Dorset's coastal communities varies considerably. This bulletin looks at why this matters for Dorset.

    Downloads: 2113

  • St Martin Ward Factsheet 2016

    01 October 2017

    A report from Purbeck District Council providing a summary of information on the demographic and socio-economic make up of this ward within Purbeck.

    Downloads: 1410

  • Swanage North Ward Factsheet 2016

    01 October 2017

    A report from Purbeck District Council providing a summary of information on the demographic and socio-economic make up of this ward within Purbeck.

    Downloads: 2657

  • Swanage South Ward Factsheet 2016

    01 October 2017

    A report from Purbeck District Council providing a summary of information on the demographic and socio-economic make up of this ward within Purbeck.

    Downloads: 3698

  • Wareham Ward Factsheet 2016

    01 October 2017

    A report from Purbeck District Council providing a summary of information on the demographic and socio-economic make up of this ward within Purbeck.

    Downloads: 2067

  • Wool Ward Factsheet 2016

    01 October 2017

    A report from Purbeck District Council providing a summary of information on the demographic and socio-economic make up of this ward within Purbeck.

    Downloads: 1882

  • Langton Ward Factsheet 2016

    01 October 2017

    A report from Purbeck District Council providing a summary of information on the demographic and socio-economic make up of this ward within Purbeck.

    Downloads: 1607

  • Lytchett Minster & upton East Ward Factsheet 2016

    01 October 2017

    A report from Purbeck District Council providing a summary of information on the demographic and socio-economic make up of this ward within Purbeck.

    Downloads: 1788

  • Lytchett Minster & Upton West Ward Factsheet 2016

    01 October 2017

    A report from Purbeck District Council providing a summary of information on the demographic and socio-economic make up of this ward within Purbeck.

    Downloads: 1717

  • Bere Regis Ward Factsheet 2016

    01 October 2017

    A report from Purbeck District Council providing a summary of information on the demographic and socio-economic make up of this ward within Purbeck.

    Downloads: 2149

  • Lulworth & Winfrith Ward Factsheet 2016

    01 October 2017

    A report from Purbeck District Council providing a summary of information on the demographic and socio-economic make up of this ward within Purbeck.

    Downloads: 1733

  • Lytchett Matravers Ward Factsheet 2016

    01 October 2017

    A report from Purbeck District Council providing a summary of information on the demographic and socio-economic make up of this ward within Purbeck.

    Downloads: 2386

  • Castle Ward Factsheet 2016

    01 October 2017

    A report from Purbeck District Council providing a summary of information on the demographic and socio-economic make up of this ward within Purbeck.

    Downloads: 1934

  • Creech Barrow Ward Factsheet 2016

    01 October 2017

    A report from Purbeck District Council providing a summary of information on the demographic and socio-economic make up of this ward within Purbeck.

    Downloads: 1781

  • Our Communities Topic Report - Anxiety Bulletin

    23 August 2017

    Surveys have shown that feelings of anxiety and well-being can change considerably through a person's life. This bulletin looks at anxiety levels across Dorset, including how certain factors can affect levels of anxiety and other measures of well-being.

    Downloads: 2015

  • Lifelong learning for an ageing workforce

    23 May 2017

    Earlier in 2017, this report was released by the Skills Commission. “Older workers constitute the single largest pool of untapped potential in Britain. With the challenges that lie ahead, it is crucial we build on their wealth of skills, experience and collective wisdom.” This ourcommunities bitesize bulletin looks at why we need to train older workers in Dorset.

    Downloads: 1614

  • Preparing for the 2021 Census - Testing the next Census in West Dorset, 2017

    15 March 2017

    The Office for National Statistics (ONS) will be carrying out a census test in West Dorset this year. This is an important part of their preparations for the 2021 Census. The attached document explains in more detail, or go to for more information.

    Downloads: 1808

  • Our Communities Topic Report – Jobs paid less than the living wage

    01 October 2015

    32,000 employee jobs in Dorset are paid less than the living wage. A decent living wage helps improve quality of life by covering the basic cost of living and reducing poverty. This edition of Our Communities pulls out a local perspective on a recently released national dataset.

    Downloads: 1953

  • Research Matters 4 - Ask Dorset Public Engagement Results

    01 August 2015

    Ask Dorset was the biggest community engagement exercise undertaken by Dorset County

    Downloads: 1970

  • Our Communities Topic Report – Skills in Dorset

    01 August 2015

    Dorset has a relatively older workforce compared to the national picture. Increasing skills in the workforce is key to increasing productivity, along with investment, innovation, competition and enterprise. More people need to be trained to both meet expansion demand for high skill jobs and to replace those with skills and experience retiring from the workforce.

    Downloads: 1455

  • Census Story - Home Ownership

    01 August 2013

    Between 2001 and 2011 the number of Dorset households increased by about 12,200 to a total of 180,200 by 2011.

    Downloads: 1619

29 Related Datasets

Order by: Newest first

  • Ratio of House Prices to Earnings 2022

    Published: 30 March 2023

    Lower quartile affordability ratio and median earnings affordability ratio.

    Downloads: 140

  • Employees by Industry 2021

    Published: 29 March 2023

    Workplace based data showing the employees by business sector. Includes figures for Advanced Engineering, Creative Industries and Tourism. Also includes number of employees per business unit and the split between the public and private sectors.

    Downloads: 159

  • Gross Value Added 2020

    Published: 29 March 2023

    Gross Value Added - inflation-adjusted and indexed. Local, regional and national.

    Downloads: 125

  • 2022 Earnings

    Published: 29 March 2023

    Median Earnings data on a workplace and residence basis

    Downloads: 169

  • Business Demography 2021

    Published: 15 December 2022

    Births, Deaths and Survival of Businesses

    Downloads: 311

  • Business Count 2022

    Published: 04 October 2022

    Numbers and percentages of businesses by industrial sector, size and public-private split.

    Downloads: 312

  • NINO Registrations 2021

    Published: 18 July 2022

    This dataset includes total NINO registrations 2002 to 2021 as well as the most common country of origin in 2021.

    Downloads: 463

  • Alternative Claimant Count

    Published: 30 June 2022

    The Alternative Claimant Count has been devised by the Department for Work and Pensions to show what the Claimant Count would have been if Universal Credit had been introduced in one go in 2013. These are considered experimental official statistics. This dataset covers the nations, regions, unitary councils and former district councils.

    Downloads: 333

  • Claimant Count by age

    Published: 15 March 2022

    Jobseekers Allowance and Universal Credit claimants Caution should be applied when looking at trends over time as these figures will at least in part reflect the gradual roll-out of Universal Credit.

    Downloads: 439

  • National Insurance Registrations to overseas Nationals 2019-20

    Published: 09 December 2020

    National Insurance Registrations to overseas Nationals 2019-20

    Downloads: 969

  • 2019 LSOA Level Mid-Year Estimates

    Published: 08 December 2020

    2019 Population estimates for Lower Super Output Area Geographies in Dorset

    Downloads: 1164

  • International Migration for Mid-Years 2002-2019

    Published: 08 December 2020

    International Migration by 5 year age group for Dorset Council and Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole Council

    Downloads: 864

  • Life Expectancy at birth and age 65, 2019

    Published: 07 December 2020

    Life expectancy at birth and age 65 by sex for Local Authority geography and above.

    Downloads: 799

  • 2018 based Household Projections

    Published: 20 July 2020

    Office for National Statistics 2018 based Household Projections for Dorset

    Downloads: 1828

  • Commuting by Occupation – In-commuting Dorset Council area

    Published: 19 February 2020

    This bulletin uses data from the 2011 Census to look at in-commuting patterns in the former Dorset district council areas. This work was produced using statistical data from ONS. The use of the ONS statistical data in this work does not imply the endorsement of the ONS in relation to the interpretation or analysis of the statistical data. This work uses research datasets which may not exactly reproduce National Statistics aggregates.

    Downloads: 1514

  • Commuting by Occupation – Out-commuting Dorset Council area

    Published: 19 February 2020

    This bulletin uses data from the 2011 Census to look at out-commuting patterns in the former Dorset district council areas. This work was produced using statistical data from ONS. The use of the ONS statistical data in this work does not imply the endorsement of the ONS in relation to the interpretation or analysis of the statistical data. This work uses research datasets which may not exactly reproduce National Statistics aggregates.

    Downloads: 1264

  • Commuting by Occupation – Net commuting gain-loss Dorset Council area

    Published: 19 February 2020

    This bulletin uses data from the 2011 Census to look at net commuting gain-loss patterns in the former Dorset district council areas. This work was produced using statistical data from ONS. The use of the ONS statistical data in this work does not imply the endorsement of the ONS in relation to the interpretation or analysis of the statistical data. This work uses research datasets which may not exactly reproduce National Statistics aggregates.

    Downloads: 1258

  • Commuting by Occupation – In-commuting Bournemouth Christchurch and Poole area

    Published: 19 February 2020

    This bulletin uses data from the 2011 Census to look at in-commuting patterns in the Bournemouth Christchurch and Poole area. This work was produced using statistical data from ONS. The use of the ONS statistical data in this work does not imply the endorsement of the ONS in relation to the interpretation or analysis of the statistical data. This work uses research datasets which may not exactly reproduce National Statistics aggregates.

    Downloads: 1200

  • Commuting by Occupation – Out-commuting Bournemouth Christchurch and Poole area

    Published: 19 February 2020

    This bulletin uses data from the 2011 Census to look at out-commuting patterns in the Bournemouth Christchurch and Poole area. This work was produced using statistical data from ONS. The use of the ONS statistical data in this work does not imply the endorsement of the ONS in relation to the interpretation or analysis of the statistical data. This work uses research datasets which may not exactly reproduce National Statistics aggregates.

    Downloads: 1474

  • Indices of Deprivation 2019- National and Dorset Council Ranks

    Published: 03 January 2020

    The English Indices of Deprivation helps identify and prioritise areas to assist the government and other agencies both national and local in narrowing the gap between deprived neighbourhoods and the rest of the country.

    Downloads: 2051

  • Indices of Deprivation 2019 - Dorset East Sub Unitary Geography (SUG) Maps

    Published: 11 December 2019

    This pdf illustrates national deprivation levels at a small geography across Dorset East SUG area for 2019. There are sixteen maps which look at a range of components of deprivation including health, income, employment, education and skills, living environment, crime and barriers to housing and services. There is also a multiple deprivation map that combines all these aspects of deprivation to give us an overall picture. The document also has a number of maps that look at specific aspects (sub domains) such as deprivation affecting children and outdoor living environment.

    Downloads: 1592

  • Indices of Deprivation 2019 - Dorset West Sub Unitary Geography (SUG) Maps

    Published: 11 December 2019

    This pdf illustrates national deprivation levels at a small geography across Dorset West SUG area for 2019. There are sixteen maps which look at a range of components of deprivation including health, income, employment, education and skills, living environment, crime and barriers to housing and services. There is also a multiple deprivation map that combines all these aspects of deprivation to give us an overall picture. The document also has a number of maps that look at specific aspects (sub domains) such as deprivation affecting children and outdoor living environment.

    Downloads: 2151

  • Indices of Deprivation 2019 - Mid Dorset Sub Unitary Geography (SUG) Maps

    Published: 11 December 2019

    This pdf illustrates national deprivation levels at a small geography across Mid Dorset SUG area for 2019. There are sixteen maps which look at a range of components of deprivation including health, income, employment, education and skills, living environment, crime and barriers to housing and services. There is also a multiple deprivation map that combines all these aspects of deprivation to give us an overall picture. The document also has a number of maps that look at specific aspects (sub domains) such as deprivation affecting children and outdoor living environment.

    Downloads: 1771

  • Indices of Deprivation 2019 - South East Dorset Sub Unitary Geography (SUG) Maps

    Published: 11 December 2019

    This pdf illustrates national deprivation levels at a small geography across South East Dorset SUG area for 2019. There are sixteen maps which look at a range of components of deprivation including health, income, employment, education and skills, living environment, crime and barriers to housing and services. There is also a multiple deprivation map that combines all these aspects of deprivation to give us an overall picture. The document also has a number of maps that look at specific aspects (sub domains) such as deprivation affecting children and outdoor living environment.

    Downloads: 2211

  • Indices of Deprivation 2019 - Dorset North Sub Unitary Geography (SUG) Maps

    Published: 11 December 2019

    This pdf illustrates national deprivation levels at a small geography across Dorset North SUG area for 2019. There are sixteen maps which look at a range of components of deprivation including health, income, employment, education and skills, living environment, crime and barriers to housing and services. There is also a multiple deprivation map that combines all these aspects of deprivation to give us an overall picture. The document also has a number of maps that look at specific aspects (sub domains) such as deprivation affecting children and outdoor living environment.

    Downloads: 1906

  • Indices of Deprivation 2019 - Dorset South Sub Unitary Geography (SUG) Maps

    Published: 11 December 2019

    This pdf illustrates national deprivation levels at a small geography across Dorset South SUG area for 2019. There are sixteen maps which look at a range of components of deprivation including health, income, employment, education and skills, living environment, crime and barriers to housing and services. There is also a multiple deprivation map that combines all these aspects of deprivation to give us an overall picture. The document also has a number of maps that look at specific aspects (sub domains) such as deprivation affecting children and outdoor living environment.

    Downloads: 1462

  • Indices of Deprivation 2019 - Dorset Council Maps

    Published: 25 November 2019

    The combined map base pdf illustrates national deprivation levels at a small geography across Dorset for 2019. There are sixteen maps which look at a range of components of deprivation including health, income, employment, education and skills, living environment, crime and barriers to housing and services. There is also a multiple deprivation (IMD) map that combines all these aspects of deprivation to give us an overall picture for Dorset. The document also has a number of maps that look at specific aspects (sub domains) such as deprivation affecting children and outdoor living environment.

    Downloads: 1199

  • English Indices of Deprivation 2015

    Published: 30 September 2015

    This English Indices of Deprivation helps identify and prioritise areas to assist the government and other agencies both national and local in narrowing the gap between deprived neighbourhoods and the rest of the country.

    Downloads: 2698

  • Age of Workforce

    Published: 23 May 2014

    Workplace population by sex and single year of age

    Downloads: 1663

2 Related Dashboards