There are many definitions available for the term 'diversity' but they all cover the same fundamental issues. These include the recognition of differences, respecting those differences and appreciating the fact that different perspectives are valuable and can bring real benefits to society in general.

You can learn more about equality and diversity across Dorset on the Dorset Council Equality and Diversity pages.

There are nine protected characteristics to which the general public sector equality duty apply:

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Sex
  • Religion & Belief
  • Gender Reassignment
  • Sexual Orientation
  • Marriage & Civil Partnership
  • Pregnancy & Maternity
  • Ethnicity
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Age & Religion

  • Dorset has a much greater proportion (30%) of the population aged 65 and over than England and Wales (18%)1.
  • West and East former districts have almost one in three residents 65 and over1.
  • The five major non-Christian world religions Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism and Sikhism constitute 1% of Dorset's residents' religious beliefs2.
  • Dorset’s main non-Christian religious groups are concentrated in Dorset’s towns. 0.5% of Weymouth’s residents are of Muslim faith. There are also concentrations around military establishments such as Blandford Camp where the Gurkhas and their families live who are predominantly Buddhist or Hindu in their religious belief2.

Ethnic minorities - residents of Dorset who are not 'White British'

  • 6.1% of Dorset residents are from an ethnic minority, much lower than the country as a whole2.
  • The highest proportion (40%) of Dorset’s ethnic minority population are classified as 'White Other'2. This classification includes people who identify as white but who do not have UK national identity (English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish and British). An example would be Polish or Bulgarian. The next highest are Mixed Multiple ethnic groups which make up 19% of ethnic minorities followed by Asian, Asian British that make up 18% of the ethnic minority groups in Dorset Council area.
Diversity chart
Makeup of non-White British residents in Dorset


  • 20% of Dorset's population are classified as disabled under the Equality Act 2010 definition2.
  • Another method for looking at the number of residents with a disability is to consider those claiming either Disability Living Allowance, Personal Independance Payments or Attendance Allowance.3.

Gender, sexual and relationship diversity

  • The Census 2021 asked new questions about sexual orientation and whether an individual’s gender identity differed from how they were assigned at birth4.
  • The new Census questions reflects how our understanding of different experiences and the language that goes with these changes over time. In recent years there has been an increase in the terminology surrounding gender identity and expression.
  • In Dorset, 2.2% of our population shared they were gay, lesbian, bisexual or had another, non-heterosexual, sexual orientation, approximately 7,000 residents. This compared to 3.1% in both England and Wales and the South West5.
  • 0.2-0.4% of residents in Dorset, the South West and England and Wales shared their gender identity differed from how they were assigned at birth. Dorset residents identifying as gender diverse were lowest at 0.2%. Both questions on sexual orientation and gender identity were voluntary, for those aged 16 and over only.

Headline Figures


Of Dorset's population is aged 65+


Of Dorset's population are from an ethnic minority


Identify as LGBTQ+


Have a gender identity that is different from that assigned at birth


Follow a non-Christian religion


Of all residents have a health condition that limits their day to day activities

Headline Figures


Of Dorset's population is aged 65+


Of Dorset's population are from an ethnic minority


Identify as LGBTQ+


Have a gender identity that is different from that assigned at birth


Follow a non-Christian religion


Of all residents have a health condition that limits their day to day activities


  • 1 Mid–year population estimates (2023), ONS
  • 2 Census 2021, ONS
  • 3 Stat-Xplore, Department of Work and Pensions, May and July 2023 and 2021 Census, ONS
  • 4 Preparing for the 2021 census (England and Wales), UK Parliament
  • 5 Census 2021, ONS

21 Reports

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  • National Insurance Registrations to overseas Nationals 2019-20

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  • International Migration for Mid-Years 2002-2019

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  • ONS Sexual Orientation Data at LA Geography (experimental dataset)

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  • Data for EqIAs (diversity data)

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  • Indices of Deprivation 2019- National and Dorset Council Ranks

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  • Subnational Sexual Identity Tables (ONS Research)

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  • Equality and Diversity Community Research and Consultation

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